How to Write a Literature Review

The Literature Review of a Dissertation

  • calenderAug 20, 2021
  • calender5 min read

A literature review provides an overview of existing research in your field. Click here to read about how to write one in your paper.

The Introduction Chapter of a Dissertation

  • calenderAug 05, 2021
  • calender5 min read

The introduction chapter acquaints a reader or evaluator with the contents, main argument(s), and scope of a dissertation.

toc dissertation

The Table of Contents Page of a Dissertation

  • calenderAug 03, 2021
  • calender5 min read

The table of contents is an organized listing of your dissertation’s chapters, sections, and figures which are clearly labeled by page number.

acknowledgments page section dissertation

The Acknowledgments Section of a Dissertation

  • calenderJun 15, 2021
  • calender5 min read

No dissertation can be completed solely by one person. Surely, you’ve had help along the way; whether it’s through moral support or people advising you on the actual thesis itself. The acknowledgments section is where you thank all these people for supporting you from day one, both in the research and writing process.

dissertation proposal

Writing a Dissertation Proposal

  • calenderSep 10, 2020
  • calender5 min read

Working on a dissertation can be daunting. But once you’re proposal is sorted, the rest of the dissertation journey sails smoothly! Click here to read more.

3 editors are performing structural editing and organizing the content.

What Is Structural Editing? Meaning, Examples & Costs

  • calenderJul 24, 2024
  • calender6 min read

Structural editing is essential to create a compelling manuscript. Explore the structural editing meaning, structural editing examples, and costs, and know how to select a structural editor.

A student has detected plagiarized content and is thinking about how to avoid plagiarism.

How to Avoid Plagiarism in 2024 (10 Effective Strategies!)

  • calenderJul 23, 2024
  • calender6 min read

Plagiarism, whether intentional or unintentional, can have severe consequences. Learn how to avoid plagiarism with 10 practical strategies! We’ve also added free tools for avoiding plagiarism.

A student is researching the top academic editing services like PaperTrue, Scribbr, Enago, Editage, and Proofed.

Top 10 Academic Editing Services of 2024 [with Pricing]

  • calenderJul 08, 2024
  • calender6 min read

In an ideal world, you’d have to focus only on the content of your research and not writing. Since that’s not the case, we’ve listed the top ten academic editing services that can help you out!

Two writers are listing down the top 10 conclusion generators.

10 Best AI Conclusion Generators (Features & Pricing)

  • calenderJun 18, 2024
  • calender5 min read

Conclusion generators use AI to analyze your text and generate a concise and impactful conclusion. We’ll explore the best conclusion generators in the market, highlighting their features and prices.

How to Copyright Your Book?

If you’ve thought about copyrighting your book, you’re on the right path.

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