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        APA Title Page Format Simplified | Examples + Free Template

        • calenderDec 01, 2023
        • calender 5 min read

        The 7th edition of the APA title page (introduced in 2019) has separate formatting guidelines for student and professional research papers. It replaced the APA 6th edition, which was introduced in 2009. The APA 7 formatting guidelines allow for more flexibility when it comes to font size and style. 

        If you have questions about how to format your cover page, this article is for you. We will be taking a look at the formatting guidelines for the APA style cover page for students as well as professional papers. In order to help you create an appropriate cover page, we’ve also included an APA 7 title page template and plenty of APA cover page examples. 

        What is the title page for an APA paper?

        The APA title page is the first page of your academic paper that provides information on the title, author(s), professors, and institutions affiliated with your research paper. There are separate APA cover page formats for student and professional papers.

        An APA 7 title page consists of the following components:

        Student paper

        • Page number*
        • Title of the paper
        • Name of author(s)
        • Institutional affiliation
        • Name and number of the course
        • Name of professor(s)
        • Date of submission

        *A running head (shortened version of the title) is generally not required for student papers unless explicitly stated by the professor.

        Professional paper

        • Page number 
        • Running head 
        • Title of the paper
        • Name of author(s)
        • Institutional affiliation(s)
        • Author note (Author’s ORCID iD, affiliation changes, disclosures of conflicts of interest, and the author’s contact information)

        Now that we’ve gotten a gist of the APA title page format, let’s understand how to construct cover pages for both these versions in detail.

        How to construct an APA title page

        Before you start formatting the APA first page, there are a few ground rules you must consider. Here are the rules for formatting an APA title page:

        • Leave a one-inch margin for all pages. 
        • Use double spacing throughout your cover page.
        • Maintain consistency in font size and style. 
        • Avoid using any titles (Dr, Prof) or degrees (MA, PhD).
        • Include the running header and the page number on the top left and right corners respectively. (Simply include the page number for student papers.)
        • After leaving 4–5 lines, input and centrally align the title of your paper.
        • Include the first, middle, and last name(s) of the author(s) respectively, exactly below the title.
        • Include the name of the affiliated university/universities below the names of the authors involved.
        • For student papers, include the name of the course professor and the due date below the affiliated university. 
        • For professional papers, include the author note a few lines below the affiliated university/universities.
        • The author note should be bolded and centrally aligned.
        • Details such as the author’s ORCID iD, contact information, affiliation changes, and disclosures of conflicts of interest should be right aligned and placed under the author note.  

        The APA 7 format is pretty flexible when it comes to the font style. You can use any of the following font styles in your paper:

        • 12-point Times New Roman 
        • 11-point Calibri
        • 11-point Arial
        • 10-point Lucida Sans Unicode  
        • 11-point Georgia  
        • 10-point Computer Modern  

        Now, let’s take a closer look at how to construct the individual elements of both student and professional versions of APA 7th edition title pages:

        The APA cover page for a student paper. It has no running head and author note, and only consists of page number, paper title, author name, affiliation, instructor name, and due date.

        The title page for an APA style professional paper. It consists of a running head. a page number, paper title, author name, affiliation, and an indented author note.

        The following APA cover page examples will help you locate the exact position of each component. These examples cover both, student and professional papers and will guide you in constructing your own cover page. We’ve labeled each of these components and will guide you on how to format them.

        Here are the main components of the above APA title page examples:

        1. Page number

        The page number in an APA style title page should be present on the top right corner of each page and the title page should always be considered page number “1”.

        Follow these steps to correctly format the page number in Microsoft Word: 

        • Activate the header by double-clicking on the top of the page.

        Activate the header by double-clicking on the top of the page.

        • Click on the “Insert” tab.

        Activate the header by double-clicking on the top of the page.

        • Select the “Page numbers” option.

        Click on the “Insert” tab.

        •  Hover over “Top of Page” and select “Plain Number 3”.

        Hover over “Top of Page” and select “Plain Number 3

        Once this process is complete, you should have a page number for all your sheets.

        2. Running head

        A running head consists of the title of your paper in all caps. It is compulsory when it comes to professional research papers, but is generally not mandatory for student papers. 

        The running head should be in line with the page number, left aligned, and under 50 characters long (including spaces). If your title is longer, you’ll have to shorten it so it can fit the character count of the running head. Make sure to include the main idea of the title here and exclude the less important parts.

        Here’s an example of an APA format title along with the running head:

        Passing the Genetic Torch: Examining the Mechanisms of Genetic Variation


        3. APA title

        The title of your APA cover page must be succinct, informative, and eye-catching. It should also contain the relevant keywords of your paper, essentially providing a gist of your paper. Although not mandatory, it is a good idea to limit your title to under 12 words.

        Here’s how to create your APA format title as per the specified guidelines:

        • Position your title 4–5 lines from the top of your page.
        • Select your title to centrally align and bold it.
        • Use the title case* while creating your heading.

        *Capitalize the first letter of each word apart from articles and prepositions.

        4. Name of the author(s)

        After adding your title, mention the name of the authors under the title of the paper (leave a blank line in between). The APA formatting guidelines for the names of authors are different for student and professional papers.

        Take a look:

        Student papers

        Student papers only include the names of authors involved in the process of writing the paper.

        • Make sure to include the first, middle, and last names of the authors in precisely this order.
        • In the case of two authors, separate the names with an “and”.
        • In the case of three or more authors, separate each name with a comma and input the last name with an Oxford comma as well as an “and”.
        • Don’t mention titles such as “Dr” and “Prof” or degrees such as “MA” and “PhD”.

        Professional papers  

        The names of authors in professional papers follow similar guidelines to those of student papers. However, they do include a few additional elements.

        • In the case of multiple affiliated institutions, use superscript numbers after the names of the authors. 

        5. Institutional affiliations

        An author’s institutional affiliation is placed below their name on an APA cover page.

        • Add the department and university name, separated by a comma. 
        • In the case of multiple affiliations, mention the institutions corresponding to each author in the order of their names.
        • Add a superscript number before the name of each institution to indicate the corresponding author.

        6. Name and number of the course

        It’s mandatory to include the name and number of the course for student papers

        • Align the information centrally and place it below the institutional affiliation. 
        • Write the course number in all caps followed by the course name and separate them by a colon. (For example: HISTORYLIT303: Historical Writing)
        • Write the name of your course professor below the course name and number and align it centrally.
        • Include the designation as well as the first and last name of your professor. 

        7. Author note

        Professional papers often contain an author note.

        • Place the “Author Note” label at the bottom half of the page, bolded and aligned centrally.
        • Add an indent of 0.5 inches for all entries in the author note and align them to the left.
        • Follow the author’s names with their ORCID iDs.
        • Mention any changes in the authors’ affiliation.
        • Disclose any conflicts of interest.
        • Add the authors’ contact information.

        8. Date of submission

        The date of submission for the paper is only to be included for student papers and should be placed below the professor’s name. 

        • Centrally align the date of submission using the “Month, Day, Year” format. 
        • Spell out the month and avoid abbreviating it. 
        • Include the complete year instead of just the last two digits.

        Here’s an example: October 02, 2023

        APA 7 title page template

        Our expertise in providing superior paper editing services has helped us create an APA 7 title page template for students and research professionals. These templates are written using the 12-point Times New Roman font. They also follow all the guidelines for an APA 7 cover page that we’ve highlighted above.  

         APA 7 Title Page Template for Students

        APA 7 Title Page Template for Professionals

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        Nandita Linkedin

        Nandita is a budding writer with a background in Psychology. She adores mysterious movies with unusual plots, cozy coffee houses, and any conversation involving Agatha Christie!

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