Writing contests 2024 for poets & writers: poetry contests 2024, short story contests 2024, and essay contests 2024.

Writing Contests 2024: Cash Prizes & Free Entries!

  • calenderJul 25, 2024
  • calender15 min read

If you have great ideas but struggle to pen them, we have a solution: We’ve listed the best international writing contests in 2024. Find out which competition you’ll enter in the new year!

A student is researching the top academic editing services like PaperTrue, Scribbr, Enago, Editage, and Proofed.

Top 10 Academic Editing Services of 2024 [with Pricing]

  • calenderJul 08, 2024
  • calender6 min read

In an ideal world, you’d have to focus only on the content of your research and not writing. Since that’s not the case, we’ve listed the top ten academic editing services that can help you out!

A student is using AI humanizers like Undetectable AI, AISEO, and StealthWriter to humanize content.

Top 10 AI Humanizers of 2024 [Free & Paid Tools]

  • calenderJul 04, 2024
  • calender6 min read

In 2024, marketers and brands have embraced AI while professors are using AI content detectors. Now that it’s crucial to know how to humanize AI content, we have a list of the ten best AI humanizers!

A student is creating MLA website citations for her research paper.

How to Cite a Website in MLA Format | 9th Edition Rules

  • calenderJun 12, 2024
  • calender4 min read

While there are several MLA website citation generators out there, they’re prone to error. Use our tips and examples to learn the right citation format and memorize it so you can avoid any errors!

A student is listing down MLA book citations for her research paper.

How to Cite a Book in MLA Format (9th Edition)

  • calenderJun 11, 2024
  • calender8 min read

The MLA book citation format can get slightly tricky if you’re citing an eBook or translated book. So let’s simplify things and learn how to cite a book in MLA format with plenty of examples!

A student is citing sources in a document as he knows why is it important to cite sources.

5 Reasons to Cite Your Sources Properly | Avoid Plagiarism!

  • calenderJun 06, 2024
  • calender4 min read

While reading a paper, how can you track which ideas are original and which ones are borrowed? That’s where citations come in. Let’s find out exactly why it is important that you cite your sources!

A magnifying glass highlights a plagiarized source on a laptop. On the left side, five logos of popular free plagiarism checkers are depicted. Text reads: Top 10 Free Plagiarism Checkers

10 Best Free Plagiarism Checkers of 2024 [100% Free Tools]

  • calenderJun 04, 2024
  • calender6 min read

Whether you’re a student, teacher, or online creator, you must know how to check plagiarism online. But which tool is right for you? Find out with our list of the ten best plagiarism checkers of 2024!

A girl is researching the best essay editing services to enhance her essay.

Top 10 Essay Editing Services of 2024

  • calenderMay 28, 2024
  • calender6 min read

Discover all essential features of the top 10 essay editing services of 2024. Compare the advantages of the best essay editing services to select the perfect service for your essay.

A student is writing an APA journal citation.

APA Journal Citation: 7 Types, In-Text Rules, & Examples

  • calenderMay 20, 2024
  • calender8 min read

Do you rely on online tools to create APA journal citations? Tools can save you time, but they’re still prone to error. You should know the citation basics to fix any machine errors yourself!

How to Copyright Your Book?

If you’ve thought about copyrighting your book, you’re on the right path.

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