Person wonders the difference between em dash vs. en dash vs. hyphen.

Em Dash vs. En Dash vs. Hyphen: When to Use Which

  • calenderJan 18, 2023
  • calender7 min read

It is often confusing to understand when to use the en dash, the em dash, or the hyphen in your writing. In this article we will show you how to do just that with the help of relevant examples.


The Essential Guide to Worldbuilding [from Book Editors]

  • calenderDec 12, 2022
  • calender6 min read

Have you ever wondered how science fiction and fantasy writers create such iconic, nuanced, and detailed universes? It’s time to master worldbuilding and start creating unforgettable worlds.

Present Tense Narratives in Novels

On Being Tense about Tense: Present Tense Narratives in Novels

  • calenderNov 28, 2022
  • calender5 min read

In our last article about verb tense in stories, we wrote about the things you need to consider while writing a past tense narrative. In this one, we will tell you about how to construct a present tense narrative. 

How to Punctuate Dialogue in Fiction

  • calenderNov 19, 2022
  • calender5 min read

Dialogue writing isn’t always the easiest. Read on to know how we answer the age old question: how do we punctuate dialogue in fiction writing? 

creating a plot outline

How To Create A Stellar Plot Outline

  • calenderNov 18, 2022
  • calender5 min read

However, no matter how well thought and organized the story is in your head – the outline you plot out on paper is infinitely harder to pen.

A spotlight shines on the perfect book editor for your manuscript while others are grey and faded into the background.

How to Find the Perfect Book Editor for Your Manuscript

  • calenderNov 16, 2022
  • calender6 min read

No writer can reach their full potential without an editor that sharpens their words. But how to find a book editor that is a perfect match for not only your manuscript but also you, the writer?

On Being Tense About Tense: What Verb Tense To Write Your Novel In

  • calenderNov 12, 2022
  • calender5 min read

What verb tense should you write your novel in? Each perspective has its pros and cons, which we will be examining in this article. Click to read more.

A writer stands on a pile of books holding a trophy, representing writing contests 2022.

A List of Writing Contests in 2022 | Exciting Prizes!

  • calenderNov 09, 2022
  • calender7 min read

Writing competitions are vital for any new writer who wants to be successful. But it’s important to know which poetry competitions, short story contests, and nonfiction contests are worth the effort.

4 Online Publishing Platforms To Boost Your Readership

  • calenderOct 10, 2022
  • calender5 min read

There are some incredible websites that let you publish your books online with millions of dedicated members, all ready to devour your books. These four online publishing avenues are sure to set you sailing on a journey of writing success. 

How to Copyright Your Book?

If you’ve thought about copyrighting your book, you’re on the right path.

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