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        Writing A Successful Pitch: Convey Ideas Better

        • calenderJan 05, 2018
        • calender 5 min read

        How do you write a successful pitch?

        You take a great idea, jot it down using the least number of sentences, edit and proofread it properly and ensure that lots and lots of people read it! So what kind of successful pitch am I talking about? There are certain pitches we end up making at some or the other point in life, no matter what field we are in without even realizing what we’re doing. A business proposal, a thesis statement, article ideas and everything from a screenplay or manuscript is a pitch that you’re making to other companies, your thesis guide, filmmakers and publishing houses respectively.

        You have a great idea, and you’ve probably done good research to sell it. But if you can’t communicate it right – nobody will be interested. Potential investors also need the idea to be easy to understand, since they’ve trained their minds to think how their clients would think.

        More often than not, your pitch will get only 5 minutes of attention. Think about it as a version of the elevator pitch, because those are the best hooks you can use to convey and convince. So be it verbal or spoken, how do you condense months of research and passion into those few minutes, how do you edit and proofread it, and create a successful pitch?

        We can tell you how.

        Tease Just Right.

        I know it sounds wrong, but hear me out. The first few seconds and sentences are crucial to everything. If you lose their attention here, there’s no point worrying about the rest of the points on here.

        Introduce the idea briefly, but leave a little room to create suspense and garner interest. This doesn’t mean keeping it obscure. You need to be clear on what you’re offering, what you want from them, and what they can get from you. If these 3 boxes are ticked off for both parties, then you’re definitely on the right track!

        Hammer In The Details

         successful pitch, edit and proofread, editing and proofreading service

        If they’re still listening, congratulations. You’ve successfully grabbed their attention. But they need more details. Here is where your research will really count, so make sure you’ve covered all your bases.

        Mention the exact processes and steps you will undertake should your proposal be expected, and the time taken and if valid, a price. You need to make sure that both parties are aware of the deal they’re getting themselves into, to avoid any misunderstandings later.

        Why Are You Different?

        You cannot deliver a pitch without knowing the answer to this. If it’s a product, you need to know why it will change the way people live. If it’s an idea for a novel, you need to explain exactly why this story will blow people away. Everyone today is looking to put out something new, something that nobody else offers. They’re conscious of your idea applying to their clients, and the timely importance of it.

        Experience is Evidence

        Now that you’ve possibly convinced the investor with your revolutionary pitch, you need to have something to back it up. As of now, they just have your word and potential plans that could go wrong. So you need to attach credentials such as old references from people you’ve worked with, samples which can showcase that you know what you’re talking about.

        If you let your work speak for itself, your pitch doesn’t even need to be self-praising or too complicated. So make sure you have enough relevant experience on your side.

        Edit and Proofread

        No really, know this by now. No matter how pleased you are with the idea, it’s all going to go down the drain if you don’t get it checked again. There are professional editors and proofreaders, and even editing and proofreading services sitting out there to polish and perfect your work, so why would you want to settle for anything lesser?

        There’s no point of a wonderful pitch with an embarrassing typo, since that’s all they will remember. It’s better to have an expert look at it, improve the design and flow, possibly suggest some improvements and help your pitch be perfect!

        Just remember, do great research, use powerful and compelling words – and don’t forget to edit and proofread!

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        Tanvi Linkedin

        With a foundation in Life Sciences, Tanvi enjoys curating technical writing tips tailored for ESL students. When she's not translating complex concepts into bite-sized nuggets, she can be found playing with dogs or painting landscapes.

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