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        Interjections Made Easy: Meaning, Examples & Types

        • calenderMay 24, 2024
        • calender 7 min read

        Boom! Bang! Pow! No, these aren’t just sound effects from a comic book. They’re interjections. In this article, learn everything about how interjections can be used to express joy, anger, sadness, and more. 

        We’ve also added the rules for using interjections in sentences and given a list of interjections that are commonly used. For beginners, we’ll also quickly define interjections. So without wasting time, let’s jump into the details! 

        Eliminate all errors after using interjections!

        What is an interjection in grammar? 

        An interjection is a single word or phrase that conveys strong emotions or feelings. They are one of the parts of speech that can be used to express urgency, draw attention, or emphasize a point. 

        They can stand alone as a separate sentence. Interjections are usually accompanied by an exclamation mark (!). They can also be used to show politeness, formality, greetings, apologies, and gratitude. 

        To understand this interjection definition, here are some examples:  

        Wow! Your dress is amazing. (Here, “wow” shows the emotion of admiration) 

        Listen! I’m going home now. (Here, “listen” is used to draw attention) 

        Hello! I’m your new English teacher. (Here, “hello”, shows politeness and is a greeting) 

        Pardon me! I by mistake stepped on your bag. (Here, “pardon me” conveys an 


        Thanks! I really needed my headphones. (Here “thanks” shows gratitude) 

        Quick! The train is approaching (Here, “quick” shows urgency)

        After understanding the interjection meaning, let’s understand its types! 

        Types of interjections 

        1. Primary interjections 

        The words or sounds that only have a single meaning are known as primary interjections. They cannot play the role of nouns, verbs, or adjectives in a sentence.

         Let’s see some interjection examples to understand better: 

        Bravo! You jumped perfectly above the hoop. 

        Ouch! That hurt. 

        Yay! Our team won the match. 

        Aha! I found the key. 

        Eww! That heap is dirty. 

        In the above sentences, the interjections are more focused on describing the user’s feelings. They don’t play the role of an adjective, noun, or verb in a sentence. 

        2. Secondary interjections 

        A secondary interjection is a word that primarily functions as a different part of speech, such as a noun, verb, or adjective. However, it can be employed as an interjection in certain contexts.

        Here are some examples to explain secondary interjections: 

        Heavens! I had no idea you were planning a surprise. (Here, “heavens” is a noun)

        Crazy! I saw a shark in the Pacific Ocean. (Here “crazy” is an adjective)

        Damn! These questions are hard to answer. (Here “damn” is a verb) 

        Help, I’m stuck in quicksand! (Here “help” is a verb)

        Awesome! We can now party all night. (Here “awesome” is an adjective) 

        3. Cognitive interjections

        A word or phrase that expresses what a person is thinking is known as a cognitive interjection. Such interjections require a reaction from the listener/receiver in the conversation. 

        Following are some interjection examples to explain cognitive interjections: 

        Oh, I see! So the packaging is complete then? 

        Eureka! I’ve figured out the solution. 

        Huh! This means the experiment is possible. Should we do it then? 

        Yup, that’s exactly what I meant! Now what should we do? 

        I see! So Sherlock Holmes is the protagonist. Who is the antagonist then? 

        4. Volitive interjections 

        The words that are used to express orders, make demands, and requests are known as volitive interjections. They are often emphatic and are said with the expectation of fast action from the listener/receiver. 

        Browse through the following examples of interjections to understand better: : 

        Psst! Come here! I need to tell you something important. (Order) 

        Shh! Someone is coming, I can hear the sound of footsteps. (Order) 

        March forward! We must keep moving till we reach our destination. (Order) 

        Hush! Can you please talk softly? (Request) 

        Be quiet, he’s coming! (Order) 

        5. Emotive interjections

        The words or phrases that convey the speaker’s immediate emotional reaction to a situation, event, or statement are known as emotive interjections. They can be used to express various feelings like surprise,  excitement, disgust, approval, sadness, disappointment, etc. 

        Some examples of interjections used to express emotions are: 

        Aww! That’s so sweet of you.  (Emotion- affection) 

        Oh, I wish I had seen him before he left!  (Emotion- regret) 

        My goodness! This package is huge. (Emotion- surprise) 

        Alas! I missed a golden opportunity. (Emotion- sadness) 

        Gosh! It’s 5 pm now, I must leave. 

        How to use interjections in sentences 

        While interjections are commonly used in the sentence’s beginning, they can also be at the middle or end. It’s important to use punctuation correctly while using interjections. The following are some important rules while using interjections: 

        1. When using an interjection at the beginning of a sentence, follow it with a comma if the sentence continues. For example: 

        Wow, that was an incredible performance!

        2. When using an interjection in the middle of a sentence, use commas on both sides of the interjection. For example: 

        The movie was, oh my gosh, absolutely incredible!

        3. When using an interjection at the end of a sentence, place a comma before the interjection if it is a mild or moderate expression. This is one of the few instances in which an exclamation mark is not used. For example, 

        I can’t believe I left my wallet at home, ugh

        4. If the interjection expresses a strong emotion or excitement, use an exclamation point instead of a comma. For example, 

        We won the championship, woohoo! 

        Now let us see important points to remember while using interjections. 

        3 key pointers while using interjections 

        1. Avoid using interjections in formal writing such as academic papers and business documents. 

        2. Some interjections are considered more polite or mild, while others are stronger or more vulgar. Choose interjections appropriate for the given context and audience. 

        For example, In a business setting, the sentence “Oh! I apologize for the confusion”, the word “Oh!” is a mild interjection used that is appropriate for formal contexts. In business contexts, interjections like “Hey!”, “Listen!”, “Look!” can’t be used. 

        3. The meaning and connotation of an interjection can vary depending on the context, tone, and cultural background. It’s essential to be mindful of the audience and the situation when using interjections. 

        For example, In British or Australian English, “Oi!” can used to get someone’s attention which can be seen in the sentence: Oi, mate! Can you pass me that wrench?” However, it can also be used to express a confrontational stance. For example: “Oi! What do you think you’re doing?”

        Browse through the following list of interjections to understand the most commonly used interjections!  

        20 most-used interjection words 

        1. Oh! (expressing surprise, realization, or acknowledgment) 
        2. Wow! (conveying amazement, admiration, or astonishment) 
        3. Hey! (getting someone’s attention or greeting them) 
        4. Oops! (acknowledging a mistake or minor accident) 
        5. Ouch! (expressing pain or discomfort) 
        6. Yay! (celebrating success, joy, or excitement) 
        7. Aww! (showing sympathy, affection, or endearment) 
        8. Huh! (indicating confusion, disbelief, or a request for clarification) 
        9. Hmm! (expressing thoughtfulness, consideration, or doubt) 
        10. Uh-oh! (anticipating trouble, a problem, or a mistake) 
        11. Gosh! ( expressing surprise, amazement, or mild frustration) 
        12. Aha! (indicating a sudden realization, discovery, or understanding) 
        13. Phew! (expressing relief, exhaustion, or completion of a task) 
        14. Ugh! (conveying disgust, frustration, or annoyance) 
        15. Bravo! (expressing approval, praise, or admiration for an achievement) 
        16. Eek! (indicating fear, shock, or surprise, often in a playful way) 
        17. Eww! (expressing disgust or strong dislike) 
        18. Ahem! (politely getting someone’s attention or clearing one’s throat) 
        19. Boo! (showing disapproval, disappointment, or dissatisfaction) 
        20. Yippee! (expressing great joy, excitement, or enthusiasm) 

        This concludes our guide about “What is an interjection?” You can bookmark this article to revisit the interjection list in the future. After understanding the interjection definition and examples, you can use them while writing. 

        Once you complete writing, the next step is to edit your text. As experts in editing and proofreading services, we’d love to help you perfect your text! 

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        Priya Linkedin

        Priya has a talent for academic research and enjoys simplifying complex topics. When she's not helping students improve their writing, she can be seen reading poetry, playing the harmonium, or learning classical dance.

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