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        How to Write a Dissertation & Thesis Conclusion (+ Examples)

        • calenderMay 07, 2024
        • calender 6 min read

        Want to create a strong, impactful conclusion? Explore how to create a dissertation and thesis conclusion in 5 simple steps! To help you understand better, we’ve also included useful dissertation and thesis conclusion examples! 

        Whether you want to write a conclusion for an empirical or humanities paper, this article will help. So without delay, let’s understand how to create the best conclusion! 

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        Firstly, let’s know more about the appropriate length of a dissertation and thesis conclusion. 

        What is the length of a conclusion? 

        Depending on the complexity of your research and document length, the length will differ. The thesis or dissertation conclusion should be 5-7% of your paper’s overall word count. For example, if your thesis is 30,000 words, the conclusion can be 1,500-2100 words. 

        The conclusion for empirical or scientific theses or dissertations is often brief. It summarizes the main findings, interprets the research, and discusses the main implications in a few words. In contrast, the thesis or dissertation conclusion for humanities subjects is longer and more reflective. 

        Now let’s see how to write a conclusion for a thesis/ dissertation in 5 steps! 

        How to write a dissertation and thesis conclusion 

        1. Remind readers of the research purpose 

        For an empirical paper, start your conclusion by revisiting your research question or hypotheses stated earlier in your research. This reminds readers of your study’s main focus and sets the stage for findings. Following is an example: 

        “This study aimed to investigate the relationship between employee job satisfaction and organizational commitment in the healthcare industry.” 

        In comparison, while writing the conclusion for a humanities paper, reflect on the research journey. You can also consider the key themes, ideas, arguments, and questions that have guided your research. Here is an example: 

        “Throughout this thesis, the concept of identity formation in postcolonial literature has been explored, focusing on the works of Chinua Achebe and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. The central argument claimed that these authors utilize their narratives to challenge Western hegemonic discourses and assert the agency of African identities.” 

        2. Summarize main insights 

        For an empirical paper, summarize your main results and findings concisely. This section should highlight the most significant research outcomes and how they relate to your research questions, hypotheses or research methodology. Here is an example: 

        “The results of this study demonstrated a significant positive correlation between employee job satisfaction and organizational commitment (r = 0.78, p < 0.001). Multiple regression analysis revealed that job satisfaction, along with factors such as work-life balance and leadership support, accounted for 65% of the variance in organizational commitment scores.” 

        On the other hand, if it’s a humanities paper, you can summarize any evidence or examples that support your claims about the research in your conclusion. Here is an example: 

        “The analysis of Achebe’s ‘Things Fall Apart’ and Adichie’s ‘Purple Hibiscus’ reveals a common thread of resistance against colonial oppression and the assertion of African identity. Both authors employ narrative techniques that subvert Western stereotypes and provide a nuanced portrayal of African experiences. Through their characters’ journeys, Achebe and Adichie challenge the notion of a singular African identity and highlight the complexities of postcolonial life.”

        3. Suggest practical applications, future recommendations, and limitations 

        Mention how your research can be practically applied (if relevant) and make suggestions for future research. Explain the broader significance of your findings while writing a dissertation conclusion/thesis conclusion. If there are any limitations, you can add them to this part. Here is an example: 

        “The findings have implications for healthcare organizations aiming to improve employee retention and well-being, with potential benefits for patient care and organizational performance. However, the study’s limitations, such as its specific sample size and setting make it difficult to generalize these findings. Further research is needed to explore the effectiveness of interventions targeting these factors across diverse healthcare contexts and to investigate additional variables that may impact organizational commitment.” 

        In contrast, here is another conclusion example for an empirical paper: 

        “The comparative analysis of Achebe and Adichie’s works has significant implications for the study of postcolonial literature. By highlighting the diversity of African experiences and the importance of cultural identity, these authors challenge the notion of a monolithic African narrative. This research also raises important questions about the role of literature in shaping cultural perceptions and the impact of colonialism on contemporary African societies.”

        Browse through the next step of how to write a conclusion for a dissertation/thesis! This step demonstrates your research’s importance in a broader context. 

        4. Highlight your research’s significance

        In this part, write about how your research has contributed new knowledge to your field. You can briefly explain how the research conducted has filled a gap in your field of study. By using relevant academic research resources like Google Scholar, you can understand the research already conducted and use relevant references in your conclusion. 

        If your research proves or disproves a certain theory or assumption, you can mention that. Also, if you’ve mentioned the gap in the literature review, you can remind readers about this. 

        Here is an example of how to highlight your research’s significance for an empirical paper: 

        “This study contributes to the growing body of research on the impact of social media on adolescent mental health. By utilizing a longitudinal design and a large, diverse sample, this study provides robust evidence for the relationship between social media usage and negative mental health outcomes. The findings also highlight the importance of considering the role of specific social media platforms and usage patterns in shaping mental health, which has been overlooked in previous research.” 

        In contrast, in a humanities paper, you should focus on how your insights contribute to the broader discourse in your field and any new perspectives or interpretations.

        Following is an example: 

        “This comparative analysis of Achebe and Adichie’s works contributes to the growing body of postcolonial literary criticism by highlighting the importance of considering the diversity of African experiences and the ongoing impact of colonialism on contemporary African societies. By focusing on the theme of cultural identity and the use of narrative techniques that subvert Western stereotypes, this research offers a new lens through which to interpret these authors’ works and their significance within the canon of African literature.” 

        Now, let’s understand the last step of how to write a dissertation conclusion/thesis conclusion! 

        5. Strongly conclude your thesis or dissertation 

        End with an impactful statement that summarizes a key takeaway or highlights your work’s broader significance. 

        Here is an example of an empirical paper conclusion: 

        “By investing in evidence-based strategies to promote mental health in the workplace, we can foster a more resilient and productive workforce for the future.” 

        In contrast, the following is an example of the final statement for a humanities paper: 

        “In the final analysis, the enduring legacy of these writers lies in their ability to touch the depths of the human soul, awakening us to the transformative power of language, story, and imagination.” 

        After concluding your thesis, to enhance your thesis further, you can take the help of online thesis editing and proofreading services. Now let us see the dos and don’ts to follow while writing a thesis conclusion! 

        Dos and don’ts while writing a conclusion 

        Suggested sentence structures for framing the conclusion 

        Depending on whether you’re writing an empirical or humanities paper, you can use and customize these sentence structures for your thesis or dissertation conclusion. 

        1. This study aimed to investigate the… 
        2. The results of this study demonstrate that…
        3. The analysis of the data revealed that… 
        4. The findings of this study have significant implications for…
        5. The insights gained from this research have important implications for…
        6. The key findings of this research indicate… 
        7. Further research is needed to explore….
        8. By investigating [write the research purpose], this study found out [write the main findings]. 
        9. This study makes a notable contribution to the field of…[field name] by [write the contribution] 
        10. While this study demonstrates the potential for [practical application], further research is required to explore…
        11. To conclude, the insights gained from this research…
        12. This dissertation fills a crucial gap in the literature by…
        13. This study offers valuable insights that can…
        14. In summary, this study…
        15. In closing, this dissertation…

        This concludes our guide about how to write a thesis conclusion and dissertation conclusion. You can bookmark this article to revisit any thesis and dissertation conclusion examples. Once you write the conclusion and complete your paper, you’ll need to edit and proofread your thesis or dissertation. As experts in editing and proofreading services, we’d love to help you perfect your paper! 

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        Priya Linkedin

        Priya has a talent for academic research and enjoys simplifying complex topics. When she's not helping students improve their writing, she can be seen reading poetry, playing the harmonium, or learning classical dance.

        2 comments on “How to Write a Dissertation & Thesis Conclusion (+ Examples)

        1. Online Tutors Group says:

          Your blog on dissertation and thesis conclusions is exceptionally insightful! It offers clear, practical guidance, and the tips are incredibly valuable for both beginners and experienced researchers. Great job!

        2. onlinetutorsgroup onlinetutorsgroup says:

          This blog post offers valuable insights into crafting a strong conclusion for dissertations and theses. The emphasis on summarizing key findings while providing a forward-looking perspective is especially helpful. It’s a great resource for anyone aiming to enhance their academic writing skills.

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