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        Editing and
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        Top 10 Online Thesis Editing and Proofreading Services

        • calenderApr 07, 2022
        • calender 5 min read

        Thesis writing gives goosebumps to even the most dedicated students. After slogging away on a document that will be eventually responsible for the ‘partial completion’ of your degree, temperatures will run high. That’s why giving your thesis to a proper thesis editing service is mandatory. We have the top 10 thesis editing services that will ensure your grades are top-notch.

        The intensive reading, technical precision, the unfamiliar or forgotten grammar rules, and syntax: so many things to keep in mind before you turn it in.  This is why it is best that you leave it to experts.  We have compiled a list of the top 10 thesis editing services to help you sail through the thesis season!

        #1 PaperTrue

        PaperTrue provides professional thesis editing and proofreading services to ensure your thesis error-free and impactful, with improved flow and formatting.

        With expert editors, who are native English speakers from diverse academic backgrounds, and who know how to thoroughly process your projects, you won’t have to worry about your thesis being factually incorrect or replete with errors.

        It ensures your thesis is free from all English language errors (grammar, punctuation, spelling, and typography) and has an improved style, clarity, sentence structure, and coherence. Along with this, you will get SME (Subject Matter Editing) experts who will help structure your thesis to bring out your thesis statement with more clarity.

        View PaperTrue’s samples edits and get your free one here.

        thesis editing services

        Pricing: Express editing of a 1000-word academic document within 24 hours will cost you US $36.


        #2 Scribendi 

        Scribendi provides a wide array of English editing and proofreading services which include academic editing (dissertation, thesis, and proposal editing). Apart from thesis editing, they also offer admissions essay editing, author editing and more.

        thesis editing services

        Pricing: A 24-hour proofread of a 1000-word academic text will cost you about US $40.


        #3 Wordy

        This UK based thesis editing service provides online proofreading and copy-editing services. They have a wide variety of editing services: book/manuscript, business documents and academic documents. Check out their website and get to know the ordering process and what to expect from their thesis editing services.

        They process your work across 11 major file formats including MS Word, Powerpoint, Excel, PDF, LaTeX, Google docs and more.

        thesis editing

        Pricing: A proofing job for 1000 words will cost you a little over US $40. 


        #4 Editage

        Editage focuses solely on English language editing services for Academic, Scientific Manuscripts, Articles, and Papers and their service is recommended by more than 1600 international journals.

        Their 4-step editing process is here.

        editing services

        Pricing: You can have your Papers checked with Editage for prices starting at $30 USD per 1000 words.


        #5 Enago

        Apart from the standard thesis editing and proofreading, Enago also offers additional translation, statistical analysis, video abstracts, medical writing, and publishing help. With a claim to have a near 100% client satisfaction, Enago’s editing team has Ph.D./Master’s qualified native English-speaking editors with vast experience.

        editing services

        Pricing: Enago has its services bundled in various packages which you can check here.


        #6 Vappingo

        Apart from the standard editing and proofreading, Vappingo offers specialised academic (thesis editing) services.

        Vappingo claims to have a high quality editing team who are qualified native English-speaking editors with vast experience. Every thesis you submit to them is reviewed ensure technical accuracy and to rid it of any errors.

        thesis editing

        Pricing: They have a customised price generator which will give you a quote for your type of document. Check it here!

        #7 Proofreadingpal

        Proofreading Pal’s main USP is their two-proofreader model. Every submission is edited by not one, but two professional proofreaders who check for grammar, punctuation, capitalization, verb tense, spelling, sentence structure and clarity. But double-checking is standard procedure at all thesis editing and proofreading firms.


        Pricing: According to the kind of document and style, a 24-hour turnaround can cost you between US $30-$100.


        #8 Wordvice

        Wordvice is a thesis editing service that makes sure that your thesis is structurally sound and flawless. It caters to scholars, researchers, students, writers, and businesses around the world. Apart from thesis editing, they also work on admissions and scholarship editing services to critique undergraduate, graduate, and professional school essays, along with scholarship applications and recommendation letters. Check out all the services that they offer, here.

        Pricing: A 1000-word academic document worked within 24 hours costs US $80.


        #9 EliteEditing

        Elite Editing is Australia’s most trusted academic editing service. It has expert, PhD-qualified editors to provide you with thesis editing services. Along with making sure that your thesis is flawless and error-free, they even provide expert coaching to improve your academic writing post-order. Your document is returned to you with a comprehensive letter which explains the changes in your document and advice on how you can improve it further.

        thesis editing

        Pricing: You will have to shell out AUS $130 for a 24-hour turnaround of a 1000 word academic document.  


        #10 EditMyEnglish

        EditMyEnglish provides thesis editing and proofing services across the board; Academic, Business and Literary. Expert editors carefully check and modify your documents to ensure that they are 100% grammatically correct, flawless and error-free, along with with tracked changes in your document. View their sample edit here.


        Pricing: The per-page cost is USD $6.49. 

        So there you have it. The top 10 thesis editing services, in which PaperTrue is here to help you in creating error-free dissertations for those perfect A’s!

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        Rishi Linkedin

        Rishi was a zealous student at IIT Bombay when he realized, firsthand, the power of good language in effective communication. As part of this belief, after a brief stint in a hedge fund, he co-founded PaperTrue in 2014.

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